Ps Ashley Evans
I am not a highly detailed reader of documents. I admire people who can wade through line after line of details because if I read too many details, I actually get a headache. In fact I admire those people who read the fine print on their insurance. Then you have another whole new level of people who are just incredible - they actually read the terms and conditions of every app they download, of every new piece of software that they ever get and read every detail of every document. Usually the lack of detail for me does not seem to matter but there have been times when it has caused me great loss.
Like all of us, I have had property stolen. Whether it is a wallet, a phone (in fact Jane had hers stolen in Italy) or something else; we have things taken from us that were ours. For years I paid a good premium for my house and contents and did not realise that my home and contents policy had a clause which allowed me to claim for those stolen goods that were taken from me from places away from my house - in another street, suburb or city. If only I had known that years ago, it would have helped me greatly. If only I had taken the time to understand what was rightfully mine, things would have been very different but instead of replacing my lost things, I suffered great loss.
Why is this so important and how does this relate to you? Well it is like this: we have all lost things, had things crash and burn and had things stolen from us. Unless you know the truth, you will not have the joy of new things; you will only know the pain of loss. Your lack of knowledge is preventing you from living blessed...